Sending SMS using an Excel SMS plugin is probably the easiest of ways to get the job done. An exciting thing about this system is that you can probably get started with very little knowledge of how an SMS server works. You don’t even need an understanding of how to get an SMS API integrated with a webpage. Anybody with an understanding of English language should be able to handle this. It’s that easy.
The parameters that are to be changed are easy to identify from the code itself. Plus, you also get an API manual that explain things further. The bad thing about Excel SMS plugins is that they are not truly versatile. Plus, they are both slow and unreliable at times, especially when you need large volumes of SMS to be sent out. For larger volumes it is advisable that you opt for one of the more scalable options. One of them being HTTP to SMS protocol, something that we at recommend. This uses an xml file to pick out the recipient name and numbers. Messages can be customized. A good thing about the systems is it is highly customizable.
So how do you send out an SMS using an Excel SMS plugin? Easy. Step one is to download the plugin from your SMS service provider. Step two is to install the plugin to your copy of Microsoft Excel. This is what allows you to send out SMS straight out of your computer. Step three is to authenticate your account details with the server of your SMS service provider. Once you have authenticated yourself to the SMS service provider, open your Excel spreadsheet which contains the names and numbers of your recipients. Design a message, after selecting the column that contains the names. This process is different from one SMS Excel plugin to the next, but overall the flow is similar. Once the SMS is ready to be sent out, simply hit send.